
Hookbaits are boilies preferred by anglers in certain fishing situations. They have more beneficial properties than standard boilies due to a higher seasoning content, so they are more attractive to fish, giving us a better chance of getting a bite.
Hookbaits are usually sold in jars of 100 grams. At Urban Bait, we supply a variety of hookbaits, and anglers Europewide are finding our hookbaits to be one of the most superior baits available.
Hookbaits come in different shapes, colours, and sizes. The size most preferred by carp fishermen is between 12mm and 18mm in diameter. Regarding shape, hookbait is usually sold in cylindrical or barrel form.
You can buy hookbait in different flavours and colours. There is no “best” when it comes to hookbait; each angler has their preferences depending on their experiences and circumstances.
When to Use Hookbait?
Hookbaits are fitting for either short or long angling sessions.

Anglers will frequently use regular boilies as “free” bait to gain the fish’s trust, then use a hookbait of the same flavour to catch the fish.

Because they are already familiar with the flavour, the fish will take the hookbait of the same kind as the boilies used. Hookbait is more concentrated with flavour than boilies, making it likelier the fish will bite.

However, you do not have to use the boilie/hookbait technique and use hookbait without boilies. Some anglers don’t see the point of casting a single hookbait without free bait because they don’t think the fish will find a minuscule single bait in a large volume of water. But follow a few simple tips, and you’ll find the fish do take the bait.
Use an Intensely Flavoured Hookbait
To increase your odds with a single hookbait, you must use a variety that engages the sensory system of the fish. The flavour and aroma of the bait affect your chances, so pick a strong, highly flavoured bait. It doesn’t matter if it is fishy, sweet, or spicy, as long as it leaks loads of attraction.
Choose Bright Colours
Fish are attracted to colours, so use a brightly coloured hookbait they will notice, making it easier for them to find your hook. The colour also increases the possibility of a bite through curiosity. Various colours will be more evident to the fish at different times of the day due to light levels and weather conditions. So, it is good practice to try multiple colours across your rods, and if you don’t see any action, change them. Through trial and error, you can soon find out what colours work best and when.
Glugging Hookbait
Only inquisitive fish will inspect hookbait, but probably, once will be enough to get a catch. Because hookbait is not meant to be eaten in large amounts like free bait, you can add a higher quantity of attraction additives to hookbait. Using a glug before you cast your bait will significantly enhance the appeal of a single hookbait and leak an immediate feed signal throughout the water.
Increase Flavour Leakage
When you use boilie-style hookbait, the hard skin created during boiling keeps much of the flavour locked in. It will leak out gradually, but you can speed up the delivery by shaving off the hookbait sides. This quickens the leakage and sends a strongly flavoured signal to the fish.
Cast at The Catch
While making your hookbait as attractive as possible to the fish will give you a significant advantage, you also need to get the bait as close as possible to the catch. Carp, for example, are a species that don’t swim around too much when the water is cold, so if you see periods of inactivity, cast in different directions. If a fish presents itself, don’t pause to cast, as this could result in a quick bite.

Your rig and all other efforts are wasted without an attractive bait, as the fish has got to want to take it.

Thanks to their proven results, ease of transportation, and affordable price, hookbait is increasingly used by anglers, and we suggest you never leave for a fishing trip without hookbait as part of your fishing tackle.