2nd time out on the nutcracker and yet another result for tester lee price!!!

Once again on tuesday i finished work at about 2130 and made my weekly pilgrimage to my cambs syndicate, and was slow in setting up. Once again all 3 rods were fished on my adapted version of the naked chod on Nutcracker corkball pop ups. Rods out at 1am and within half an hour the middle rod fished in 12 ft deep water on a silt bed was away and a very angry wirey 17lb 7 mirror was the culprit. Then at 0730 am a belting take on the same rod was away. This time a hard fighting dark cambs common of 22b 1oz that couldnt resit a bit of the cracker.
Now im not sure if it just coincidence but id done badly up until making the switch to urban baits. But everyone else blanked. The second night promised alot as fish were showing all over but 1 aborted take was all that happened.
Get on the going bait!!!
Be lucky all. Lee price
2015-04-29 07.57.58

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