Glugging Frozen Boilies – How To Glug Winter Carp Boilies

We get a lot of people asking us about glugging frozen boilies, especially at this time of year. So if you’re looking for an edge with your winter Carp boilies then this blog post and video is definitely for you. In it esteemed Urban Bait consultant Jim Shelley runs you through the time tested technique he uses to ensure his boilies attract the Carp all the way through the cold winter months. So stay tuned, enjoy his step by step tutorial and enjoy a more consistent Carp catch this winter. Take it away Mr Shelley!

I’m a great believer in boosting your free offerings especially at this time of year, from about October onwards. It gives the Carp something else to home in on and it just makes your bait more attractive. It’s like the Carp start to slow down. It’s basically something they can really hunt for. Do you know what I’m mean?

The Nut Juice is one of those natural, sweet things that the Carp can key into. Carp are just like us in that they love sweet things. So the Nut Juice is a great attraction.

Carp love Nut Cracker Juice

Glugging Frozen Boilies In Nut Juice

Now a lot of people rush things, they don’t actually think about what they’re going to do when it comes to planning their Carp bait for a session at the lake. And when it comes to glugging frozen boilies, you’ve got to remember to let your bait thaw out. You get water, moisture in the bag. Now have you ever thought about where that moisture goes afterwards?

Well basically once the ice turns to moisture it disappears into the bait. So at that time, if you ever want to load your free offerings up with salt by mixing that in the bag, that moisture would suck it in. It’s the same with liquids, you can do exactly the same.

winter carp boilies

Glugging Your Winter Carp Boilies Takes Planning

Now I don’t glug my winter Carp boilies willy-nilly just before I go fishing. It’s a process that’s been done probably at least 24 hours beforehand and all you’ve got to do is just keep moving the bait around in the bag. Put it somewhere that you, or someone else, is going to notice and remember to keep moving around. For example, when I do it I say to the misses “See that bag there, keep moving it while I’m away. After two days, once it’s dry, put it in the freezer for me”.

glugging frozen boilies

You want a nice even coat and soak all over the bait. So keep it moving and don’t chuck like a hundred mil into it. It’s best to only put a little bit in rather than too much. It’s almost like baiting up. You can put it in but you can’t take out and you don’t want bait covered in loads and loads of liquid and that.

So I would say in a five kilo bag maybe round about, with the moisture content, from the ice that’s thawed out, 10 to 15 mil per five kilo.

glugged frozen boilies after thawing

In Summary

I hope you enjoyed this weeks post and video. If you have any questions about choosing the best winter Carp boilies for the conditions you face or anything wasn’t clear about the glugging frozen boilies process, then don’t hesitate to ask. Jim and I are happy to help any way we can. Good luck with fishing, stay warm and see you soon.

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