Lee Price and a PB Common on his first time using the going bait!!!

Hi guys, my name is Lee Price, I am new to the team of field testers here at Urban Baits, I am a 33 year old family man who by trade is a freelance chef.

Since my 1st order of the nutcracker arrived I’ve been itching to get out and put it to good use. And oh boy did I do just that!!

After work on Tuesday 21st of April 2015 I drove to my cambs syndicate and set up in the dark, rods out by 23:30 and all baited with nutcracker corkballs on my own variation of the naked chod, with a good kilo over each rod with the stick.



An uneventful night was followed by a hot uneventful day and I could feel my chances ebbing away, along with my confidence. (This lake has fished solid as a rock since last October and just lately I had been fishing with no expectations or anticipation of a bite!)


One of the things that struck me about the bait is how fast it looks washed out and almost white on the lakebed… so with this in mind I decided to spomb out 3 kilo of 18 mil baits over 1 rod to see if I could make something happen, my theory was a big bed of white baits would be very eye catching to any fish cruising about in the upper layers and going on past seasons they do like there bait. I was talking to a new member who wanted to know the fish stocks in the lake, what was the biggest etc. so I showed him my album but informed him my target fish, the big mirror had been out a week before at 36lb plus. So that took my mind to the big common, a rare visitor to the bank in typical big common fashion, once maybe twice a year, last out in September at 37lb plus. As I sat thinking maybe it’s due a visit to the bank I drifted off asleep…

Next thing I remember was my Delkim receiver sound a couple of single bleeps then absolutely melting off with the reel screaming at a rate of knots. The only thing I could think of was the big common and I was playing it very gently out at range and it felt very much like a huge lump of weed coming in slowly. This often is the case on the pit. But some 20 yards out the fish woke up and bent the Hi-S in half and ripped line off slowly staying deep. Wipeing my other rods out. I had a split second thought that it might be one of the monstorus cats that reside in the lake and relalised i only had my red led on my head torch. As the fish breached the surface i switched on the white led and there she was, on her flank swiming in a small cirlce due to the lines she had picked up. Straight into the net and  i was on my knees shouting punching the air not realising it was 02:45!! “THE BIG COMMON!!!!! SHES MINE ALL MINE HAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!” The lad in the nearest swim obviously heard all the commotian and came to my aid.

2015-04-23 22.36.27

Id had to cut my leader on the rod attached to the fish and bring my other rods in it was that much of a mess, and the moment of truth came for the weighing. I knew she was big and a new pub common but just how big? The scales dont lie and a down in weight big common pulled the needle round to 33lb 12 a new PB and what a way to open my account on the new bait!!! Not that I needed any confidence in it anyway but it doesn’t get a great deal better than ending a run of blanks, catching a pb common, and the biggest common in the lake on my first bite on the new bait. As they say GET ON THE GOING BAIT!!! It certainly payed off for me and I’m sure many more leviathans will be gracing my unhooking mat after falling foul of a nutcracker hook bait.


Be lucky one and all,

Lee Price

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