Sam Mee scores PB with the Nutcracker!!!

I turned up at my club water in Ringwood, Dorset ready for 5 night session which is been really looking forward to for a few weeks. I was expecting it to be very busy, however I turned up to just a few anglers on the lake. After a quick scout and hearing not a huge amount had been out I settled with my preferred side of the venue to start my session which is fishing at 120yds to a rope which is large sanctuary area. I know this time of year the fish always tend to holdup behind this sanctuary as you can watch them bosh all day in that area.

I applied around 2.5 kilos of Nutcracker as a start and in the first night I had 3 fish with the biggest at 26lb 4oz which was my PB and I was very happy with these as it made me feel like my tough winter had payed off.


The next night the wind changed around and this really turned the fish off and nothing came out that night. I managed to catch another fish at 23lb on night 3. I was facing my 4th night and I had to pop home to get some more bait and came back feeling fresh and kept the baiting strategy the same which was another 2.5 kilos of the deadly nutcracker and at 9:30 my right hand rod melted and after an awesome fight I landed another stunning 26lb 2oz mirror. I was buzzing to have such a great session and went home a very happy man. I landed the fish on size 6 crank Choddy hooks tied up onto a hinged stiff rig and a diamond white nutcracker pop up.

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