Urbanist Andy French has a result first time out with the Nutcracker at Crete lakes!!!

After the travel to crete an dropping of all the anglers of at their pegs went round lake 5 to see what was left to fish wasn’t hard to pick a swim with what looked a Jacuzzi in front of it

I got set up an found me spots clipped up so was ready to chuck them out after was finished working
Dinner done back to the swim an out came the nutcracker stuck a couple of kilo out with the stick an set the traps for the evening

Frenchy 32lb

Simple blow back rigs with a stick mix of crushed boillie it wasn’t long before a proper whizzer on the left rod a mid 20 was a welcome start. Recast an topped up with a few boillies things were looking good had 3 more through the night to mid 30s

Frenchy 40lb
Ended up with 14 through the week to 40lb only fishing 7pm till 7am I wernt complaining the nutcracker had once again done the business.

Crackered it

Another bailiff John had a good week as well on the cracker taking fish to 45lb

John bailiff 45lb,

Good Fishing to all,,,   Frenchy

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